Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Spinning and Crying.

Spin class was great yesterday. I have only done it one other time and I liked it then too. Kate was the instructor and she really knows how to get your blood pressure going and her music is just great. I could go on and on about it. I do have to admit that as great as it was, I had to stop about 40 minutes into it. My ankles were killing me...they were practically black. I just can't chance an injury right now. Speaking of injuries...my butt is killing me from class. Some people get those special shorts or a special seat cover, but I don't know if I am that dedicated. I guess it couldn't hurt since I can barely sit/move/cuugh/breathe without being reminded of spin class last night.

My father and I spoke last night. He has little faith...in me. Or my disease. Or treatment. Whatever his doubt, he made me upset on the phone. We talked about my treatment options. One has the possibility of more side effects and takes longer in the initial stages but it starts working faster (which we need). The other one is self injecting but it could be up to 4 weeks before I see any change (time of which I do not have). He actually asked if I could push back my academy date--NO! I could lose my spot with the Sheriff's Office. MKJ and I talked later. He knew my dad upset me. He asked if I thought I could just tough it out up at the academy--soaking and wrapping my ankles every night on top of studying for each week's test. I said yes. He said he thought I could too.

We just have to make sure my doctors know the magnitude of all of this. I have to be able to give them 110% starting August 17th. I will have another month after before I go to the academy. I will be on the streets as early as the week of the 20th--so I need to be able to wear boots and with the way my ankles are at the end of the day, it is hard to see that happening. Today, I am trying to let my ankles get a little swollen so I can take a picture for my doctor to see. He doesn't see them at the end of the day...my appointments are always in the morning. He has no idea of the pain I go through. He even said it himself that the spots on my ankles are rare to see. He thinks he knows, but he has no idea!

It's almost 10:30, thank goodness. That means I am just that much closer to getting out of here for the day. I have to go to the DMV to get an updated driving record for the Sheriff's Office and pick up some paperwork for my physical on Friday (both are aparently a little outdated). Good thing our DMV lines are shorter now.


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