Since MKJ is a police officer, I ride with him sometimes. It's a nice way to spend some time with him when I would otherwise not see him for three days in a row. Last night, I rode with him from about 7 PM until 6 AM. We had a good time. His agency is small and they were jokingly complaining about his penmanship on his tickets making it difficult to formulate and arrange the court docket. So, since I was riding and I need to learn to write tickets anyway, he made me write all of his warning and state tickets. We arrested some kid and he made me do the booking report too. By the time we got back from the jail, it was almost time to leave--well, we didn't want to get into anything that would require going back to the jail or producing more paperwork. We got home as the sun was rising. Then we make breakfast (bacon, egg omelettes, and English muffins--YUM!) and went to sleep for a little while. He has to work tonight, so he will be sleeping more today. I am home now. Just drinking water, ginger ale, and some vanilla pudding...

Raise your hand if you are excited about getting a colonoscopy!?!Fasting all day! Sleeping and doing nothing.
Just thought I would share! HA.
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